Hand hygiene is one of the most important ways to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Frend pearlised soap is very effective against a wide range of microorganisms, bacteria and germs. Particularly effective in food preparation areas. Hand sanitizer gels are quick drying and will leave the hands feeling supple and smooth.
Due to Covid-19, sanitizing products like Frend Pearlised Soap are some of the most sought after products on the market at the moment, as according to the HSE the virus can spread “if you touch something they (a known case or close contact) have been in contact with, such as an object or a surface.” Since the Coronavirus pandemic arrived in Ireland hand hygiene has become more important than ever. But what do we mean by hand hygiene? According to the HSE: “Hand Hygiene includes cleaning hands with alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR) or soap and water in order to remove germs, also known as microorganisms.” It is essential to maintain good hand hygiene if not at home or at work when:
- using a washroom or toilet facility.
- travelling using public transport.
- arriving home after being out.
This is where hand sanitizing products are at their most effective. This is a colourless, odourless hand soap for food and pharmaceutical industries and general hand hygiene just about anywhere. Its is an indulgent foaming antibacterial hand wash. It has been carefully formulated to kill bacteria and leave your hands clean and soft.