Hetty Vacuum – More than a smiley face….

  The Hetty Vacuum is the second addition to the iconic Henry vacuum range that was built by Numatic International. Numatic have created a whole brand around Henry “Henry & Friends” that includes Harry, James, Charles, George and other variations of Henry, like the battery powered cordless version. The new Hetty Compact Vacuum is not […]

NX300 Pro-Cordless Battery Network

Numatic NX300 Battery Network

Numatic NX300 Pro-Cordless Battery Network The new Numatic NX300 Pro-Cordless Battery Network Pro Cordless delivers professional level cordless performance to a versatile and expanding range. Quicker, safer and more convenient, switching to Pro Cordless raises productivity levels, saving time and money. Professional, cordless cleaning connectivity. NX300: One Fits All Connectivity​ The NX300 battery packs can […]

Numatic Vacuum Cleaners: The Benefits

What is a Vacuum Cleaner? A Numatic vacuum cleaner, or more commonly referred to as a vacuum or a hoover, is a device that causes suction in order to remove debris. Vacuum cleaners remove debris from floors, furniture, curtains, carpets and other surfaces. Generally they are electrically powered. Numatic vacuum cleaners have been the go-to […]